What are the lashes made out of?

Our lashes are made from high quality Korean PBT Silk 

How long will the lashes stay on?

With proper technique and amount of bond applied, you can get more than a week of wear time. You can wear the lashes 6 days, take them off so you can give your eyes a good deep cleanse once a week then reapply as a preference. For more information on application and some tips go to HOW TO

How long a tube of bond and sealer last?

The consistency of the bond will thicken the longer it's been used due to more exposure to air. To avoid clumping, we recommend replacing the bond every 3-4 months if using regularly.

With each usage, you are contaminating the wand with germs. Eye irritations and infections are never pretty, so by replacing your bond every 3-4 months, you limit bacteria forming. 

Is the packaging recyclable?

Absolutely! We heavily focused on being plastic free with our packaging. The beauty industry already uses so much plastic so we made our lash box and tray with cardboard. So please recycle or compost!

Do we test on animals

No, we are vegan and cruelty free!

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